Sunday, April 8, 2012

Day 166: The Sweetest Moments

As time passes, and days, months, and years are added to my life, I often think about the sweetest moments that have made my life what it is. I think about sunny days, climbing mountains, lying in the grass with the trade winds blowing, and being surrounded by friends and family who love me. I think of my sister always wanting to hold my hand, and how my brother is slowly becoming the funniest person I know.

I think about never losing sight of the ocean, and how being surrounded by blue was normal.

Then I think about the beauty that I have been surrounded by for the past six years; I find security in the rain and grey of a typical Portland day, and find peace in falling snow that never seems to really stick.

When I was young, I took so much for granted simply because I didn't take the time to see all that I was fortunate enough to have and be surrounded by.

And now, I feel overwhelmed, like I am feeling all of it for the first time. In a previous post, I remember contemplating how I was desensitized, and how the glory of God in creation wasn't something I invested in.

But now the beauty is astounding, and so clear.

There are so many blessings that outweigh the pain, sorrows, and struggles of my life, and I praise God that I am able to see now what He has been blessing me with for so long.

In Christ,


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