Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 88: Finally I Surrender

The other day, I mentioned to that I really wanted to root my blogs more in the word, and specifically about my daily readings. It's not that I don't think what I've written about is valid, or holds meaning, but I'm convinced that whatever God is teaching me can always be centered around His word. This is also another way to keep me accountable with my reading, and all that good stuff.

Having said that, this blog is not going to be about what I read today.

HA! Take that...myself?

Instead, this blog is going to be about a song.

If you know me, at all, I'm sure you've come to know that one of my greatest passions is singing for God. Not just singing, but really engaging with music that I think is pleasing to Him. Now, that doesn't just mean worship songs, and it doesn't just mean stuff you hear in church. There is so much music, and so many artists, out there who speak truth without even realizing it sometimes.

For me, music draws me into deep conversation and relation with God.

For me, it's when I sing to God that I feel closest to Him.

For some, it's when they pray...for others, it's when they read the word.

For me, it's singing to the one who created me. It's singing to the one who created everything.

Today, I listened to a CD that my beautiful friend, Sonia, gave to me. It has a bunch of random songs that glorify God. Some of the songs I had heard before, some I cherished, and still some I had never previously encountered.

I listened to a song called “Finally I Surrendered,” and for some reason it really hit me.

I have heard this song before, and truthfully...I didn't care for it.

But, today, my entire world centered around the truth of this song, which is most beautiful because of its simplicity. The entire song is all of four sentences:

All I want is You to have Your way
You are the Potter and I am the clay

All I need is You to have Your way
You are Creator and I'm what You've made

Finally I Surrender

You are God I am man You are sovereign

For a while now, I have been telling God that all I want is what He wants for me. But, still, I know that deep down so much of what I desire is not what He wants for me.

This song helped to remind me that what He has for me is better than anything else. He is the potter, I am the clay. He is Creator, I am what He has made. So simple, so true, so good!

And, it goes beyond what I want to what I need. I don't just want Jesus to be everything, I need Him to be everything.

The image of God as potter, and us as clay, is found throughout the Hebrew Scriptures, but I think it resonates best with what is said in Isaiah:

Yet you, LORD, are our Father.
   We are the clay, you are the potter;
   we are all the work of your hand.
          Isaiah 64:8

My prayer is that I choose to surrender each day, and be as clay in the potter's hands. I've tried to shape myself into what I thought was good enough, and for years I've let the world try to mold me.

Honestly, I'm tired of choosing everything but God. I'm tired of being shaped by a world who could care less about my well being.

I want to be crafted by the Potter himself, who shaped the heavens and earth, and every living thing.

He is God. I am human.
He is sovereign.

That is good news!

In Christ,


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