Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 102: Sometimes I'm Convinced

Sometimes, I'm convinced that God just wants me to laugh; to rejoice...to live in the moment, not for the moment.

He is so good to me, and today was only another reminder to add to the countless others He's given me.

The blessings are piled on my heart, and I struggle with figuring out how to be grateful. “Thank You” seems so subpar when you're saying it to the creator of the universe.

But, what else can you say?

Thank you, Lord!

For this beautiful day.
For the chance to hear your word at bible study.
For the incredibly amazing job, and supporting staff, that you have given me.
For the small bill I had to pay that I thought would be giant.
For your provision in my life.
For the time I get to spend alone.
For the time I get to spend with friends.
For all the beauty I encounter in the world.

And so, I end this blog with joy.

And I want you to feel it, too. Seek out the blessings in your life, and thank Him.

In the mean time, here's something to crack you up....I couldn't stop laughing, and I've probably watched it about 5+ times today :)

In Christ,


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