Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 39: Father Knows Best

Today was another reminder of how sovereign God really is.

He gives, AND takes away. We need to remember that it is for our good that He does this. He is pruning and shaping us, enabling us to grow.

HE is the vine, WE are the branches.

Let us not forget what gives us life.

Recently, a few of my friends ended relationships within a couple weeks of returning home from Haiti. We joke that maybe there was something in the water, but as tough as it is to comprehend, it seems like God's plan was manifesting itself in a somewhat painful way. In that week of seeking the Lord, confirmations were made, or perhaps seeds were planted, of what God's plan really was for each of us, as opposed to the plans we always seem to create for ourselves.

He stripped us, in a sense, of what was comforting...or maybe what was drawing us away from His plan. What was crazy, though, was the seeming amicable nature of these separations. While not easy, God's protection was apparent in the hearts of my brothers and sisters. And what a blessing it was to put us together before taking these relationships away.

We have God, but we also have each other; family.

I also had a chance to talk to another friend who is going through something similar, and all I could think to say was that God's plans for us are greater than our pain. Romans 8: 18 was the specific verse that came to mind:

“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”

We will move on, even though it's difficult. God has not only given us himself, but He's given us family and friends and the Church...people that we can go to when we fall apart who will remind us of God's perfect will for us.

God is teaching me to encourage those who are going through something like this, just as people have encouraged me in similar situations, and in my singleness.

God is good through us, and even if He takes away, it doesn't mean He doesn't love us. It simply means that He knows what's best for us.

In Christ,


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