Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 20: All About Love For A Child

God made me on purpose; I'm not a mistake.”

Barb Wicklow's son, Kade, spoke these words to her a few days ago. These words are so precious because Kade has cerebral palsy, but in the midst of that he still recognizes his worth in Christ, which is something that so many people without cerebral palsy can barely wrap their minds around. Because Kade has cerebral palsy, Barb (and her husband Keith) wanted to educate those who work closely with Kade on his “kade-isms” so to speak, and so they opened their home to myself and many other people who interact with Kade on a regular basis. His speech pathologist Kelly took the time to present information to us specifically on Kade and to give us strategies to help this wonderful boy in his social life and interactions.

Over 20 people showed up. I was blown away.

I learned so much tonight, from scientific terms, to practical methods to help redirect Kade when he falls back into his comfort zones in certain areas. I felt renewed, and equipped to help my new friend. As I looked around the room, I felt an incredible and palpable love. Over 20 people sat in this living room because of their love for one little boy.

I was blown away.

And in the front of all of us sat Barb and Keith, two people that I barely know, but who I trusted from day one.

I am so impressed with their love for Kade, and for their other son Quinn. I guess I am so overwhelmed because as a teacher, it is rare for me to see parents who go above and beyond for their child. I mean, to open your home and actually think to give people tools to help your child? Just amazing. And on top of that, they have a sincere love for the Lord, which is so obvious in the way they love their children.

I want to be this kind of parent. I want to know that my house will serve the Lord and that my children will come to know Him through my example.

And that is what I see with Barb and Keith. And the beautiful thing is how they love Kade and Quinn. They don't love in blind adoration, like so many parents seem to do today. They are not “buddies,” they are parents. They seek to love their children with a love that springs from encouragement and discipline. And, they know that without discipline, love cannot exist.

So, naturally, just looking at the way that they love, I know that they are following Christ's love for us...His children.

I am so radically encouraged that I hope to one day be the mom that Barb is, if in fact the Lord chooses to bless me with a child, or children.

I want to have the foundation that Barb and Keith have in the Lord so that it can overflow to my children. I want to see children cared for, but still disciplined, so that they can come to know truth, much like Kade does. He is so entirely aware of God's love for him that he can articulate what so many seem to miss: that God has a plan for our lives, and that we are not mistakes, but so much more.

God is teaching me that it is possible to love like He does, and that when parents love like He does, their children will reap the love that they have sown.

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

In Christ,


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