Saturday, October 22, 2011

Day 2: To Pray Without Ceasing

There is no doubt in my mind that the weakest part of my walk with the Lord is my prayer life.
So...really...what else is better to blog about?

For me, prayer has always been something that I've done out of necessity, and it seems to be a widespread phenomena. As John Mark likes to call it, we treat God as a “cosmic vending machine,” and are comfortable asking for whatever we want, almost like demanding and spoiled children. When I was growing up, this was my style, asking God to give me things, or...more get me out of things. 

Oh, how far He has brought me, and how much He has taught me.

In Haiti, I encountered a significant change in my prayer life. I experienced what I can only describe as an authentic time with God in which He showed me not only how to pray, but how to pray earnestly, honestly, and in community. Gone were the prayers for rainbows, unicorns, and warm fuzzy feelings. I learned to pray with my brothers and sisters, and the power was obvious. 

Empty, demanding, prayers were replaced with open and honest prayers for God to radically change each one of our lives, as well as the lives of the people in Haiti, Portland, and around the world. I saw specificity and determination in prayer, not superficial and lazy generalizations. I saw people with bowed heads and outstretched arms, praising the Lord and actually believing that He not only hears, but that He listens.

I saw people who believed that after they prayed, they lived in a changed world. And that was beautiful.

In 1 Thessalonians 5, Paul solidifies the necessity of prayer when he tells us: 

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thess. 5: 16-18

And this is my prayer for you, and for me. Make time to pray. As often as we breathe, let us pray. Let us send up words to the Lord, to talk to Him, to praise Him, to bring our happiness, tears, and laughter to Him.

Pray in community as Jesus did, and pray alone as Jesus did. But most importantly, pray openly and honestly as Jesus did. Pray with determination and hope. Pray knowing the the God of the universe is not only hearing, but He is listening.

He listens and He answers, but we must come forward to speak.

In Christ,

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