Saturday, April 21, 2012

Day 180: Mahhweggg

Mahhhweggg is what brings people together.

Lately, I've really been paying attention to the relationships around me, and how people make them look so easy.

I've also seen how they can fall apart in the blink of an eye.

I finally found time to talk to a good friend of mine, and was brought back to a place of bitterness and profound disappointment. We tried to make sense of how the marriage of our close friends fell apart, and we found ourselves at a loss.

We wondered if there was anything that could've prevented it.
We discussed if we thought there was still hope that it could come back together.
That wounds could be mended; and harsh words could be forgiven.

We concluded that the answer was no.

And just like people can choose to walk away from their marriage, and from God's heart for it, I find myself choosing to walk away in different ways.

And then I find myself comparing the things that I've seen, to the things that I've done. I think that surely my mistakes could never amount to the disobedience of divorce...

But, of course, I remember that sin is sin; problems are problems; issues are issues.

No matter what I struggle with, big or small, it is all the same to the Lord.

And so I need to stop measuring my shortcomings because they are all the same to God.

The good news is that they are covered by HIS grace. Thank you, Lord!

In Christ,


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