Saturday, April 21, 2012

Day 179: For Granted

I really hate the feeling of being taken for granted.

Please don't read into any of's not from anything I'm going through now, but just something I have been musing on lately.

There's a certain feeling of depreciation, or loss of value, when you feel like everything you do for certain people almost becomes expected of you. It's bizarre when I find myself going above and beyond in specific situations, only to have people be unappreciative.

But, even worse, is taking people for granted.

It's knowing that you are inflicting a feeling that you hate on other people in your life, sometimes without even realizing it.

Looking at my life, I know I take many things for granted: my health, my family, my friendships, my job, etc.

But nothing is guaranteed.

So, to all of my friends and family that I may have taken for granted, I want to apologize. Know that I love you. I deeply value the relationships in my life, and desire to show it more.

Too often, I take God's many blessings in my life for granted, only to later realize that nothing is certain, and that I need to do everything to the fullest, which includes being grateful for everything that I have.

In Christ,


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