just watched Paranormal Activity 3...and it was scary!
will admit, I am a lightweight when it comes to scary movies, but I
think I like this movie so much because it is so normal,
if that's the right word. I guess I mean that this movie doesn't
rely on blood and gore, but is genuinely frightening mostly because
of its suspense. It also relies on something we don't see causing a
ruckus, as opposed to some homicidal maniac with a knife and some
traumatic childhood, which caused them to be that way.
course, after watching this movie, I started thinking about demon
possession. Some that I talk to are quick to write this type of
thing off, and usually most Christians that I interact with are quick
to ignore this kind of stuff, chalking it up to the fact that God is
stronger and overcomes. And they are absolutely right in the fact
that God is stronger, and in the end is victorious.
it needs to be recognized that spiritual warfare is real. The devil
is real.
think it's important to know your adversary, and to recognize his
character: the devil is a liar, and like a lion seeking to devour.
Many times, I know I make the devil out to be some weak person, but
then I look at my life and see how, through my sin, I fall into his
schemes time and time again.
God for the gospel and the good news!
authority is superior to the devil, and to his demons. All over the
gospels, stories are scattered about Jesus driving out demons, and
how his authority is supreme. My favorite story about Jesus ridding
a man of some demonic presence is found in both Luke and Mark's
gospels; it is the story about Jesus casting the demons into swine,
and the swine drowning themselves.
crazy part about this story is that Jesus is so powerful that He was
able to rid this man of not only one demon, but a legion of them that
resided within him. And not only was He powerful enough to drive
them out, but He was strong enough to send them into swine and into
the sea.
after watching a movie like Paranormal Activity 3, I am reminded that
evil exists, and is real in our world. I am reminded that spiritual
warfare is happening even if we aren't aware. But most importantly,
I am reminded the Jesus overcomes and that all demons are subject to
His authority.
so in Him I put my comfort.
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