Sunday, October 30, 2011

Day 9: Be A Light!

Tonight I experienced my first, ever, Portland Halloween.

And what an adventure it was!

I really didn't want to go out tonight. I wasn't feeling good, but also I just don't really like to go out. I have had problems in the past with those types of situations, but I felt confident in my path now and decided to go for it. Also, my roommate and I were supposed to be Mario and Luigi, and I didn't want to live my sister high and dry :)

We headed to Thirsty Lion Pub in Portland and just hung out. It was awesome. I had a beer and ate some buffalo wings and was fascinated by my discovery that eating and drinking can be difficult with a mustache...why do men like them?!

We enjoyed dancing to amazing hits from the '80s and '90s from a live band, and I was quite smitten to be with my friends even though I was quite literally sweating off my mustache.

The best part of the night, though, was recognizing how much God has done in my life. Before, I used to feel a need to drink a certain amount, or dress a certain way. Now, I'm comfortable in my identity in Christ. I'm okay with just one drink, and I don't feel bad about having that one drink either. I also don't need to dress a certain way to get people's attention, which is probably the saddest part about Halloween for the most part.

I also recognized my desire to go home earlier. I know I'm getting older, but I also believe that it is because although it's fun to be out with friends, the Lord has begun to place greater discernment in my life. He is teaching and showing me how to make decisions as He would make them. I'm learning to not give way to what the world has, but also not to be a slave to legalism, which pervades some Christian thinking.

God is teaching me that I can be a light wherever I am. And, although that doesn't mean that I need to wander around in the dark in order to do so, He is showing me that I don't just have to shine when I am around other Christians, but that I can do so in Portland, on Halloween, and on any other day.

As long as I am living for Him, I know that I'm living right.

In Christ,


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