Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Day 183: Same/Different

It's hard to admit when you're wrong.

And, if you're like me, it's really hard to admit when you're wrong.

I don't think I ever really realized how narrow my thinking was on what it meant to be a Christian. Now, to clarify, I'm talking outside of the obvious, meaning that I'm not talking about anything regarding the essential teachings that every Christian knows to be true.

I'm talking about preferences, and experience; the small areas of our lives that are different from each other.

The pieces that make us unique, and remind us that we are not carbon copies of each other.

I tend to forget that just because we all have the same foundation in Christ, it doesn't mean we are the same person multiplied over and over again.

Lately, I've found myself judging harshly the way that people interact with Jesus. I look for downfalls instead of strengths, and I associate lack of knowledge with lack of desire.

Both of these things are wrong.

I need to remember that just as we come to Jesus in different ways, we walk with him in different ways. I need to remember that even though I feel most alive when I am worshiping in song, others may feel most alive when reading their bible, and still others may feel most alive when being in creation, or fellowship, or prayer.

The point is that we feel alive, and that we know where we experience God at the deepest level.

I need to remember that even though we celebrate that we all have come to know Jesus, and truly love him, that we will not experience his power in the same way all of the time.

I need to remember that that is natural, and mostly that it is okay.

God knows the heart, and is fit to judge it. I am called to encourage, and sometimes rebuke, but I am mostly called to love deeply.

God help me to remember that, and to do it.

In Christ,


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