Sunday, March 18, 2012

Day 151: Perfection

Throughout my life, there has one been one thing that most people who have met me have been sure of, and made it a point to comment about: my confidence.

It seems that although people have had varying thoughts on my intelligence, demeanor, and looks, the one thing that has remained constant has been my assuredness of myself regardless of whatever was going on around me.

But lately I feel like that confidence has been tapered by a desire to be the best, even when it doesn't really matter or have any real meaning. Tonight, while talking with a friend, we discovered our need to be the best at anything and everything. We discussed how people would point out a talent in someone and we would immediately think in our minds how we could do the same, and more importantly, how we could do BETTER.

This need for perfection, and perfection over others, isn't healthy and certainly isn't of the Lord. But how true is it of all of us, at some point? Lately, I've been justifying this behavior because I've seen others who I believe do certain things only for the attention, or the glory, and so I think it is okay for me to do the same.

But it's not.
Lilia, it's not.
Christian, it's not!

And the only way that I can remind myself about this is to remember that I am called to serve. I am not called to be famous, or to make a name for myself. I am not called to be in the spotlight, or to have people come to God through my talents. No, I am called to love, and to serve, and to show people who God is through my life, not through my constant need to be the best.

Now, this is not to say that we are not to live with, and purse, excellence in our lives, but I am saying that we can't afford to be consumed by it, especially when excellence takes away from the true meaning of our lives: loving, believing, and following Jesus.

Look in your own life. Are you doing everything for Jesus, or are you doing it for the fame, the recognition, the glory?

The sooner you are honest with yourself, the quicker you can be confident in how you are living your life, and who you are living it for.

In Christ,


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