Sunday, February 5, 2012

Day 107: Beware the Thief

Whether we admit it or not, there are some times in our lives when we look at someone else and wonder how they do it, how they have it all together, how they are making it through when our own lives are falling apart.

We see others succeeding, or excelling, in an area that we struggle with, and immediately we jump to comparing, and setting ourselves up for failure.

We hold ourselves to a standard that is not healthy. Because, chances are, that person you are emulating does not have it all together. Chances are, they are just as broken as you. Maybe not in the same ways, but I think we'd be hard pressed to find anyone that is without problems, or issues.

I know, in my life, that I have seen people who seem to have it all together on the outside, but are broken on the inside. I know people who have secrets, or traumatic incidents from the past, that they don't share because it may affect how others see them.

No one is immune to pain.

And so, I think that Dwight Edwards said it best when he said that “comparison is the thief of joy.”

When we begin to evaluate our lives in the light of others, we are missing the point. When we compare ourselves to anyone else, we eliminate all that is worthy in our own lives because they may seem subpar when juxtaposed with the other person.

The problem with this is that we completely push Jesus out of the picture. Instead of following Him, and striving to be more like Him, we settle for beating out this one person, or trying to live up to how amazing they are.

We forget that they, too, are human...that they are flawed...that they need Jesus.

So, if you're like me, and catch yourself in moments of comparison, remember that it is the thief of joy. People that you think have it all together may not, and probably have their own comparisons that they are sometimes slave to as well.

When you get caught up in all of this, think on Jesus. Remember what He wants from you. If you're right with Him, there is no other standard that you need to meet, and nothing else even remotely worth your time.

Treasure who you are in Christ, and not who you are in comparison to someone else, or to the world.

You are a new creation...act like it!

In Christ,


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