Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 82: For You

This blog is going to be simple, and really one of encouragement.

This is for you.

I know you're having a hard time, and that God may feel far away. You may find yourself doubting whether His good is also for you, or whether it's regulated to those more deserving, and more worthy.

You are worthy, and He does speak, even if it is in the silence.

Set your sight on His word; relish it, devour it. Look at creation to remind yourself that He is a great God, and that He is able to do anything for, and through, you.

Do not be discouraged by this world, the lies of the enemy, and any other adversity that comes your way. We are to bear each other's burdens, to come alongside each other and uplift the downcast parts of our souls. Remember that through trials come growth, and that faith is developed and tested through times of difficulty.

Be encouraged, and take hope, all you who hope in the Lord.

And, in the midst of confusion or hardship, live by faith, trusting not only that God will bring you through this, but also that He will refine you in whatever fire you find yourself in.

While you wait, in expectation for His voice to greet you in your prayer, or time alone with Him, remember what He requires of you, and live it out: seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God.

You will come out of this because He has called you to good according to His purpose, and because our pain pales in comparison to His glory.

Be encouraged, and be blessed. Live blameless as you wait upon the Lord, and wait well.

In Christ,


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