Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 12: This Passion

Today, I had the opportunity to substitute for a friend of mine. I haven't subbed since last school year, and the topic has been difficult for me to think about for some time. I'm not the type of person who can feel okay living off of subbing, mostly because I crave stability, even if it is in a job that I don't necessarily care for, such as retail. But, that's a whole other story.

God is teaching me that He has prepared me to do this.

I don't know when, and I don't know in what capacity, but I know that He has created in me a desire to work with children and to teach them; a desire to make a fool out of myself in order to make them laugh; a desire to be that person who honestly cares about them or will listen to them when no one else will; a desire to instill a love for learning that will last a lifetime; a desire to help them find the best that life has to offer even in difficult situations; a desire to banter back and forth until we're thinking and laughing at the same time; a desire to be real, genuine; a desire to guide the next generation.

Mostly, He's showing me how I need to trust Him. A large part of me had given up on the idea of ever becoming a teacher because it hasn't been an easy road. But after today, I know that this passion He has placed in my heart is alive and well.

So I will wait....and hopefully, I will wait well, always seeking, praying, and listening.

He knows what is good for me,
He knows what is important to me,
He knows what is right for me,
all because He created me.

In Christ,


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