Friday, April 13, 2012

Day 174: Find Joy

Ever wish you could change certain parts/pieces of your life right quick? Or, perhaps, even erase complete events from happening?

Yeah, me too...for all kinds of reasons.

I think about this often.

But, when I think some more, I am determined to find His fingerprint somewhere in my trouble, issue, story.

I'm determined to find joy.

God has been so good to me, and I know that in various ways, He has also been good to you.

He has given me my family, friends, health, work, music, rainy days, sunny days, his word, prayer, the stars, fluffy clouds, scary clouds, stuffed animals, a brain, fancy shoes, a whistle with a story, creativity, hope, love, passion, honesty, desire, determination, mercy, grace, etc.

He empathizes with my pain, AND with my joy.

He has been through it all, and yet he is a picture of what it means to be selfless and sinless (Hebrews 4:15).

I often tire myself out thinking about tomorrow, even though it's never promised, and my anxieties, even though I know that I need to present my feelings and requests to him in prayer.

I pay too much attention to what's wrong instead of the million of things that are going right.

This way of thinking is poisonous, dangerous, and ultimately useless.

Think God's thoughts....

In Christ,


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