Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day 168: Watching the World Go By

I've been hanging out, and watching the world go by. Lately, I have been so caught up in the millions of things to do hat I have barely taken any time to really live.

Yes, I am active here, and incredible involved there, but my mind and heart are absent so often; and, usually, I'm not sure where they are.

With travel, change, and hope around every corner, I find myself caving under the pressure. It's not an obvious collapse, but slow and steady, gaining momentum with every step taken in guessing and not obedience, or faith.

For some reason, there has been a lack of feeling, interest, and even flavor in the life that I lead.

I recognize the gap stems from my on again, off again, love affair with the Creator of the universe. I hear when He calls me to be still, and know that He is God, but I also know that He is calling me to live worthy of all He has given me.

I desire to do nothing more than to watch the world go by, knowing that I am feeling passionately about everything that I am seeing and experiencing.

I desire life, and life abundant, and that cannot happen without the creator, and sustainer, of life.

God, help me...


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