Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 155: Sacrifice/Obedience

For the last month or so, I've been all over the place. I've been trying to keep my head above water at work, striving to gain momentum with the lacrosse team I'm coaching, and all the while I'm trying to really dig into my relationship with the Lord.

In the midst of this challenge, I took some time to reflect on what I gave up for lent. For forty days and nights, I told the Lord that I would give up one of my closest friendships that I felt was taking me away from Him because the friendship seemed to really consume a lot of my time and energy.

I worried from the beginning that I would lose my friend, someone I held so dear to my heart, but I had to trust the Lord with what He had given me, even if I came to find that I was one friend short when lent was finished.

Like Pastor Phil said, it isn't sacrifice if it doesn't hurt.
And it hurt.

But, this past Friday, a little more than midway through lent, God showed me how He blesses sacrifice, no matter how big or small.

I was sitting in my living room after a early morning lacrosse practice, when I heard a knock at the door. I was confused, because my roommates all had places to be, and I was really hoping it wasn't my somewhat scary neighbors.

Instead, what I saw was my friend, who opened the door, gave me a hug, a dozen yellow roses, and a card. He closed the door, got in his car and drove off before I was even really aware of what had just taken place. I was even more confused because he lives out of state.

During our time apart, with no talking, texting, facebooking, etc, I had already convinced myself that our friendship was done, but that God would get me through all of it. I was sad, but so sure that what God told me to do in giving this up for lent was right.

On that Friday afternoon, God was good to me, and showed me how he blesses obedience.

The card and flowers showed me that this friendship was still in tact, and is so much stronger now because it is founded on the LORD, and his direction in our individual lives.

I thank God for all He has given me, and what he chooses to bless me with. It is a blessing to be obedient, and to sacrifice what He calls us to give even if it hurts at the time.

In Christ,


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