Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 146: The Safe Thing; The Right Thing

People always ask me why I left Hawaii. They wonder what defect it is in my brain that caused me to forego paradise for Oregon, and its fickle weather that can take you from sun to snow in mere minutes. The story I tell them is incredibly lame, but true:

“Once, my grandma said that Oregon was nice. So I thought...why not?”

True story. I came to Oregon because my grandma said it was nice. Side note: I really love my grandma, and I value her opinion, obviously.

So, that's why I am here. And that's it?

Oh, NO. That's just the beginning.

In my six year stint as an Oregonian, I've spent time straddling two cultures, constantly caught in a flux of emotions. I'm unsure how to process who I am in relation to my culture, and where I live now...and so I'm often in interesting dilemmas.

BUT, all of that aside, one thing that remains true is that I thank God for tearing me away from paradise to see what else is out there. In a place where it is completely fine to remain for your entire life, and never leaving the state isn't a big deal, I can honestly say that leaving Hawaii was the best thing I have ever done in my life.

It helped me to see life from an entirely new perspective, and to really pick apart the pieces of my life. I also fell in love with a God who I had always seen as a “way out” in tough situations. I came to know Jesus as a friend AND savior – a radical thought process for a girl coming out of a state completely overwhelmed with spiritual ambiguity.

My mom once told me that she admired my fearlessness, and I'll never forget those words. Coming from her, they meant a lot, because my mom is what most people would call BA. She is one of the strongest women I know, and has shaped much of how I see the world.

But, amidst the amazingness that is Hawaii, and is my family, there has always been a strange hold over me. Either out of worry, or fear, or both, shaking up the status quo has never been necessarily accepted.

When I spoke of things like London, Haiti, and Thailand, heads turned and wondered: why? Why do you need to go there? There are people here if you want to be helpful. Why do you need to leave all that you know?

And to that I say: you are completely right. There are people here who I could help, but the thing is, you can't deny the pull of the Lord, even if it takes you to uncomfortable places, and even if it isn't the safe thing to do.

Following Jesus isn't the safe thing to do, it's the right thing to do.

And this is exactly how I want to live my life.

In Christ,


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