Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 134: Strong Tower

“The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runs into it and is safe.” Proverbs 18: 10
“Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the LORD: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him.” Psalm 91: 1-2

How often is the LORD your strong tower? How often is He your place of refuge, rest, and safety? How much do you give to Him before giving to the world, and the people all around you? How is it that even though we know we are safe in His arms, we still seek to find comfort in the arms of others?

In a society where social media could be a metaphor for oxygen, the desire for an authentic relationship with God seems to be scarce. Sure, we say we want to know Him more, but do we? What in our lives is saying that we really do.

When I look at my own life, I sometimes see a sad shell of what I wish it would be.

I wish I would spend more time in the word than on facebook.
I wish I would spend more time in fellowship than watching shows on hulu.
I wish I would spend more time serving than going out to eat, watch a show, or seeking to gratify my own, mostly selfish, desires.

I think there is a feeling of insecurity on so many levels today, especially for my generation. We want community, and thrive on social interaction, but we often lack what is necessary to foster a deep connection with each other, and that is...a deep connection with Jesus.

How often do I forget that He is my strong tower, a place of refuge, the only one who gives me my identity. I am not founded in facebook, or established on hulu. I am not held accountable to the places I choose to go for entertainment.

I am founded in Him, established in Him, and held accountable to His word.

But, I barely live like that.

Because I barely make Him a priority, and I hardly seek to actively trust him. All of this is happening because of my deep devotion to other areas of my life.

And that has to end.

Like a moth to a flame, I find myself attracted to what the world has for me, and specifically what the world says about me. I see the world as my refuge, and place of comfort and safety. And, perhaps, that is why I am let down so often.

He is my strong tower, refuge, safety. He is the one who can calm the storms.

To him I will turn to praise.

Goodbye unhealthy friendship, goodbye facebook, goodbye dependency and self loathing.

I am safe in Him. Praise Jesus!!!

In Christ,


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