Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 52: The Plank

There's nothing like realizing that there is something so wrong with you, and/or your way of thinking.

Today, I realized just how much this is true for me.

At church this morning, the message was about a passage most of us are familiar with in Matthew, where Jesus challenges us to remove the plank from our own eye before worrying about a speck of dust in our brother's eye. The concept behind this statement is so simple, yet it's something that has plagued me for years.

It is a constant challenge for me to check myself before I check someone else. AND, not only is this difficult for me, but I was also challenged by what is said in Matthew 7:1 where Jesus says not to judge, lest I myself be judged. However, the insight that Ian gave on this verse was interesting, as he noted that the judgement here means that we are not called to judge the essence of a person.

However, we are still called to weigh the actions of others, and to keep each other accountable.

This is when I discovered that so often, I am guilty of condemning the person instead of their actions. What I see is a person who is unrelenting, unrepentant, etc., and so I have no problem judging them. But, the problem is that I never realized that instead of judging solely what they were doing, or the sin, I was judging who they were as a person, or their essence.

It made me sick to think that I was guilty of doing this.
It was even worse when I realized that this happens on a fairly regular basis.

God taught me today to recognize this failure in my life, and is calling me to overcome it....which is a scary thing, mostly because I wasn't even aware how much it was affecting my life. But, that's what this blog is for...transparency, and an understanding of what God is doing in my life and trying to teach me.

Here goes nothing.

In Christ,


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