Friday, November 25, 2011

Day 36: Call Me Out, In Love

 I hate when I hear my friends hurting.

I want so much to step in an fix everything, but then I remember I can't.

Nothing I say, or do, can repair the damage done or put a broken heart back together again.

All I can do is encourage, and God will do the rest.

But, the thing that seems to bother me the most is when people hurt each other and there is no accountability. As Christians, we need to be able to step into the lives of our friends, in love, and let them know that what they are doing may not be for the best. We aren't called to legalism, but we are called to sharpen each other with the word, and that's something we need to take seriously. That's why there is a cloud of witnesses, and fellowship, to keep each other encouraged and walking in the way of Jesus.

I now know who I can turn to for sound biblical advice, and I know who is willing to put what I think of them on the line to tell me the truth about my actions. I would rather be rebuked and corrected in love than left to dance my way into sin and death.

So, the next time you are more worried about what your friend will think of you, focus on what is right and say what needs to be said. For me, this is something I struggle with, but am trying to work on.

We need to be able to bring each other to the feet of Jesus because He is the only one that can heal and restore.

Be that friend who is willing to lower a friend through the roof to Jesus to be healed. (Luke 5: 17-26)
Be that friend who is willing to speak truth into someone's life with the love of Jesus Christ.

Be real with each other, living peaceably with mercy and love.

In Christ,


1 comment:

  1. Word up! I give you permission to do that in my life when you feel it's warranted.

    This (what you wrote about) is the very definition of love.
