Sunday, November 20, 2011

Day 30: Fall In Love With Your First Love

Last night, I had the opportunity to meet with a few random people that I have come to know as family. These people stepped out of their reality, with me, as we traveled to Haiti, and I have been so blessed by all of them.

There are many things that make me love them, but I think the most obvious reason is the “rawlity” (raw reality..yes I made up a word!) of who they each are.

I've seen these people laugh. I've seen these people cry.

I've seen these people tell their stories...and I've told them mine.

It's an incredible feeling when God gives you people like these at a specific time for a specific reason. I praise Him everyday for what He's done for me in this way.

But, the reason I bring this up, is that I've realized that our hearts, as a group, are so similar. We struggle with the same things, and we talk them through. Last night was no different, but I was incredibly touched by one story in particular.

This was the story of one of my dear sisters and her desire to become a wife.

I watched her sit there in tears, wondering out loud with us if God loved her. And, if He did, why was He not answering this prayer and desire? Did she do something wrong? In her mind she knew that God loved why couldn't she feel it?

Where was the evidence?

I sat and watched, listened, and eventually went over to be at her feet. It's an amazing feeling to be at the feet of someone who has humbled themselves before brothers and sisters, and desires to seek the will of God, even when there is such a distant feeling.

I was so moved by this because of my desire to be a wife.

I know I've already blogged about it. But seeing my sister, and realizing that I have the same heart as her, was only confirmation that this is not a faint desire in my life.

It is central, and important.

And so, dear sisters, know that I am praying for you. And I ask you to pray for me. If God's will is to have us be pursued by Godly men, then let them come quickly. But in your prayers, seek first the Kingdom of heaven, as I will for you, and know that God is faithful and that whatever He has in His plan is perfect and right.

Pray that I fall in love with my first love, and I will pray the same for you, because we know that He is faithful to bless those called to His purpose.

Stay strong, remain faithful, and love Him because He first loved us.

In Christ, 


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