Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 28: Talk & Walk

 All of this protesting is getting to me.


But, the thing that really gets me is...if I hadn't gone to Haiti, would I still feel this way?
If I hadn't seen the poverty of a third-world country, would I be more inclined to speak out for the injustices of MY society?

Would I have been one of those protestors?

The most likely answer is no; I would not have been a protestor either way. But, I can say that going to Haiti has helped me to solidify that no matter how hard my life is, there is someone who has so much more to deal with than me.

At the heart of the protest, I agree with many things these people are saying. But when words aren't enough, and people launch into action, they need to be prepared to be evaluated based on those actions.

Reading a friends FB posts today, I saw through her eyes what the actions of the protestors were, and I was saddened. How can you throw paint at someones place of work and break their windows without having people look at you like you are crazy?

In many ways, I don't understand.

But, if anything, it makes me realize how much we watch each other in life...what we say, what we do, who we are.

And if that's not God showing me how I need even more to live like Him, I don't know what it is.

Think about it, Christian. Are you like an Occupy protestor? In essence, are you saying one thing with your mouth, and doing life different with your actions?

Granted, there are some occupiers that are not only talking the talk, but walking the walk, as with some Christians as well – people who truly know what it means to do what they say they will do.

But for so many of us, that just isn't the case.

So let's change it up, and be what God wants us to be: a people that not only talks about Jesus, but lives like Him, too.

In Christ,


1 comment:

  1. Love you Lilia... And love this. I am so blessed to know I have a sister like you who see the world as I do and who's hearts break like mine have this week. xoxo
