Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 25: Stepping Out

So often we hear that as Christians we need to step out. Step out into the world and be God's light. Step out in faith to win souls.

But, how about just stepping out to meet people, find belong?

I went to Solid Rock for the first time five years ago, in September. I knew only the people I went with, and for two years it stayed that way. I was unashamed to step out and proclaim that good news, but I couldn't even walk up to someone and start a meaningful conversation.

I was comfortable, as so many of those people were I'm sure, in my Christian bubble.
I had my friends who knew the Lord, and those who didn't, but they were mine. And in a sense, I didn't want/need any more.

And then I discovered something.
People grow up. People move on. People Change.

Soon I was caught between wedding after wedding, and then child after child. My friends were moving on naturally, but I was left in a limbo trying to figure out how I was so far behind.

I had a plan: married by 24, kids by 26.

As you can tell, this isn't the case.
And I praise God for that.

His story for me is not to live out life as I have planned it, but how He's planned it. He has taught me just this year that He wants me to STEP OUT to connect, instead of living in complacency. And I sincerely believe that this is the most important part of my walk right now.

After all, He's been asking me this: “How can you grow if you are separated from the vine and My people?”

Five years later, Solid Rock is my home for real. There are people that God has brought into my life just because I have been willing. He has presented opportunity after opportunity for me to plug in and connect with a church that I loved for so long but never committed to.

Now, He has managed to grow me through other people so much that each day I can feel that I'm not the same. Whether it is through friends that I've known for years, or through those who I just met last month in Haiti and now consider my family, God has taught me that stepping out in faith doesn't always take the shape of boldly proclaiming the gospel. Sometimes, it's just stepping out of our own way and into His by stepping into His community, and living life together with my brothers and sisters.

My heart is full of gratitude to all of you that have stepped into my life divinely and shown me the love of the King through you. He has given me new friendships, revived some, and ended some, but I can rest easy knowing that it is all for my betterment, and His glory.

Praise Him!!!

In Christ,


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